Original topic:

Transparent gesture bar in One UI 7

(Topic created on: a week ago)
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S
It's been six years now since the implementation of the gesture bar, and it still looks as ugly as before. Samsung hasn't been able to make it perfect like iOS. It still occupies a small area at the bottom of most apps, even in Samsung's own settings app. In some apps, it looks horrible. Why can't it just be transparent like in iOS, with just the bar and no tint or anything in the background occupying the entire width of the screen? Samsung really needs to fix this with the next One UI. I hope Samsung learns something from iOS and implements a consistent software experience.

P.S. - I know some of you might be saying that you can get a transparent gesture bar (or transparent hint) with Good Lock, but that's not good either. It sometimes overlays the bottom bar of the app. For example, in WhatsApp, if you open a chat, it will overlay the text box. And in many more apps, it's not optimized.
In a few Google apps, it works fine even without the Good Lock setting turned on, like in GPay. I just want Samsung to implement the same thing throughout the whole UI.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Use gesture mode.
Settings>Display>Navigation Bar>Swipe Gesture
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

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