Original topic:

Samsung S24 Ultra big disaster

(Topic created on: 04-28-2024 10:51 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I am really surprised it's being 3 months. But still camera does not have improvements. Why samsung people launch phone before testing all of this. And later on when people facing problem then they issue software update. And still not saying it will be resolve. Who will.be mad to wait for software update. If it is to resolved by one update. Then it's fine. Bur after 3 updates , their is not much improvement . And one thing why you need to improve. It's better launch phone 2 months later after testing everything and when you guys sure of it. It's the best phone you created. 

You have wasted hard earned money of mine. And I am still in shock that you created a big disaster. And camera is the main reason of this disaster. People spend more 1.2k to get best ph for clarity and pictures. And you guys giving us excuses we have put this camera lens that's why problem occurs. If your team is not well enough capable. Then fire all of that people and hire good employees. Who had better knowledge and value other people money. 
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
I have ro wait for sometime. Till the time I have to bear this disaster phone
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
100% agreed 👍
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Samsung S24 Ultra Sunlight Display Issue


I am using Samsung S24 Ultra and Unable to use even 10 minutes in Sunlight...

After using mobile for 3 minutes or so the Screen is getting Over heated & Unable to see the Display as it will become Dim after that it will become Normal only after you go it Indoor..

I am facing this issue since many days tried lot of Solutions suggested by Samsung team in Samsung Community forums like Reset, applying adaptive Color tone,.....etc., but this problem was not fixed

Finally last week I visited Samsung Service Center, they tried :

1.IQC---No Problem in it,

2.They Done Software for it---Unable to fix the issue

I was really vexed of trying all these and not getting any solution for the above Problem..

it's Big Issue in a Flagship Mobile But Samsung was Unable to fix the issue

Buying Mobile for Lakhs of rupees But Unable to Use it even 10 Minutes in Sunlight Displayyyy

So Dissappointed for Purchasing Samsung S24 Ultra with above issue..