Original topic:

Pink Line Issue

(Topic created on: 09-15-2024 10:06 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
There is a pink line below the front camera over 2mm width I didnt dropped the phone since i bought or there is no scrtch on it...I think it is a manufacturing fault .How can I repair myphone(I bought my phone as a second hand and warranty period was expired)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I was going through this community post where I have found that 90% people who are using Samsung S7 edge facing an issue of pink line on display screen which is not at all customer fault but samsung is not responding or providing any resolution and simply asking to replace the display...

I ask a question Why? Why do we change the display or bare the cost of it? did we buy such expensive phone that we change its display after 1 or 2 years even when it's not our fault and it's a manufacturing defect...This is absolutely not tolerable.

before writing this topic I knew that I will also not get any response from Samsung the way you guys have not been responded but we all together have to fight against the Samsung and get the replacement of our phone or display.

If needed we ll go for legal...Need your support to revert on my post.

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
Same issue