Original topic:

Don't buy S9. Teach Samsung a lesson.

(Topic created on: 02-22-2018 05:10 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I'm a Samsung flagship user since S6. I bought S6, I liked it very much. After that I bought iPhone 6s. I was happy with it too, but I'm kinda android guy! So, I switched over to S7 Edge. It was a fantastic phone, great camera etc. Then I got S8. S8 display is just fab. Looks are gorgeous.

But Samsung's behaviour towards it's existing customers is not at all acceptable. Updates come very late and are full of bugs. Battery life has decreased like hell after Oreo update. Samsung even ceased it's updates and now will be rolling new update after bug fixes. By now, other phones at these price are getting 8.1, but Samsung is unable to provide stable 8.0 until yet. Even Samsung don't give Oreo is not a big deal, but what a user want is a stable OS.

Every manufacturer are adding new features with OTA updates. There's no single new addition to the Oreo S8. No portrait mode, no faster face unlock etc.

Samsung's saving these all things for S9. So that people will buy S9 or upgrade to S9

But we people aren't fool. Now onwards I'll never buy a Samsung phone until it's track record becomes good. Samsung just takes money from you and goes away.

I was waiting very eagerly for S9, but now I'm not gonna buy that. Infact OnePlus provides better user experience.
I'll be shifting to Pixels or OnePlus, but won't buy S9 by any means, and I insist all of you to do that. So that Samsung learn lesson. Please.

Active Level 8
Galaxy S
open this👉 http://bit.do/samsung-app-link-download
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
well judged
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Agree with you. I am using S7 and had thought to upgrade to S9 but i will not buy and wait for Pixel 3.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
absolutely.... don't buy Samsung devices
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
No manufacturer has added significant features for an year old phone. Jokes on you if you expected Samsung to spend a ton of money on R&D for adding features to phones that are out of production. S8 has recieved most of the "Samsung Experience" features introduced with Note 8 (except for SPen specific features ofcourse).

Most of the new Android system updates are not as dramatic as the updates were during the froyo/gingerbread era. They mostly cater for phones on AOSP, adding some features to catch up with manufacturers using custom skins. As a Samsung user, Android system updates should be viewed as minor UI changes with some optimisations here and there. That's how it has been since lollipop.

Stop trying to mindlessly chase behind Android version numbers. AOSP based phones do recieve updates much quicker than the ones running on custom builds. Samsung is the first non AOSP based phone to roll out Oreo. LG still has Oreo in beta in just 2 countries - China and Korea.

As for the bugs, I haven't faced any issues even on the first beta release, and I'm not the only one. I'm even noticing better battery life compared to Nougat. A simple factory reset would have probably solved a lot of the issues you are facing.

Nonetheless, I do appreciate people sharing their opinion on this forum, but it's a shame you realised this late that you're not the target customer for Samsung. You're better off with AOSP phones that change version numbers on the settings page quicker. Also do refrain from asking people to stay away from S9 based on flawed logic.

For me and other like minded people, we appreciate the hardware Samsung provides over some irrelevant compromises. Have a nice day.

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Read my post. I'm not after android version numbers. I've written that I'd rather stick to a stable older version rather than a newer buggy version. If the software had these many bugs, why did Samsung released(even for a while) in first hand. Isn't Samsung R&D big enough to check those bugs? Didn't Samsung run a Beta Version for longest of the time for checking bugs? Still battery life issues and app crashes are present. And for your information, I use apps only from Top Developers, so don't blame apps for it.
We are not here to fight! I'm saying about OnePlus 5 which enabled a faster face unlock feature which they launched with OnePlus 5T. Google made a huge software improvement to it's last year's Pixel. Google Assistant has learned a lot. Apple provides all the changes made in the new OS to the oldest upgradable phone of their line-up, unless specific hardware is required.
All these brands are upgrading their phones drastically. Can't a user of a "so-called" premium brand expect a Stable OS upgrade? Is it worth for a person, who spent 50-60k on a phone, to keep him waiting for a stable built.
Telugu letter bug made Apple release a new 11.2.6 immediately. This is what I call brand service. Otherwise who in this world will send that specific character to someone. This would have been a rare scenario, and Apple could also have included the fix in the next major build, but no, Apple did it right now.

We expect this kind of service from Samsung.
But bro, u can't deny that Samsung is one of the slowest brand when it comes to upgrading their phones. I don't mind if they don't upgrade, but atleast give a stable OS so that the phone can Rest In Peace when it dies.😂😂
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Active Level 8
Galaxy S
Read my post again too. Me and a majority of the people on Oreo haven't been facing any of the issues at all. I agree there's a fault with Samsung that some phones have issues, but come on, 4 months is a long time to keep whining about it over and over again. While it's certainly inconvenient, a simple factory reset fixed issues for a lot of users who have been facing these issues at first. Anyway for me, I'm getting 4-4.5 SOT up from 3.5-4 in Nougat, and haven't even encountered a single slow down in any apps so far. Even the latency for launcher animations has been so well optimised that it's almost close to the light skinned AOSP based phones.

And why are you longing for a face unlock? Have you tried using the Iris launcher after the Oreo update? It has become frikkin quick, on par with iPX's faceID. It's also infinitely more secure than op5t's face unlock and also works even when in a pitch dark room.

While it makes absolutely no sense to compare iOS with Samsung's Experience UI running on top of Android, since you've mentioned that
you own a iP6s, I'll request you to update it and try using it for a few days. I've been trying my hands on swift, so I've been using iP6S and iPX during classes for testing the apps. iP6S feels so sluggish compared to iPX that Galaxy S6 launched 4 months prior to 6S feels like a better choice at this point. Also Apple have full control over OS and hardware, so pushing updates quick isn't quite the challenge for them at all. Samsung in the past has also released critical security updates at a relatively quick speed for flagship phones. Most recent being the Bluetooth exploit back in September 2017.

Also no idea why you mentioned about Google Assistant. It's fully featured on all phones running Google services and OS with Nougat and above.

Anyway, I'm not disagreeing that Samsung updates are slow. They indeed are, and have always been that way. Samsung is predominantly a hardware company and their R&D budget for software development is nowhere close to Apple or Google. So the conclusion is to buy the phones for what they are.

Active Level 3
Galaxy S
s7 oreo ubdate