Original topic:

Bugs & improvements after one ui 6 in S21 Fe

(Topic created on: 12-21-2023 10:08 AM)
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Hi One Ui developers,

Our team would like to share a number of bugs and improvements we experience after the new os of One ui 6 with Android 14. 

One UI 6 Bugs & Improvements in comparison with one ui 5.1
1.Auto correct not working properly it is like auto wrong sometimes 
2.open package installer in popup view to see package name 
3. Pin app : asking pattern before opening apps that requires securing from you 
4.Trust agents : no unlock required for apps that you considered to be opened without any kind of pins / passwords 
5. Independent galaxy updater in settings 6.Auto blocker features increased , for usage of usb software updating, messaging app protection , blocks commands by usb, turn security check options, blocks app from unautorised stores 
7.Additional security features to disable mic & camera access to any other apps 
8. Can set force dark mode to any other apps in labs 
9.Digital well being - Screen time while walking, , driving , loud listening 
10. Lock screen notification of contents in apps you require full details 
11. Notification history features 
12. New features in notication history
13. Auto correct is now autowrong
14.When installing apk file you can see it's package name by clicking resents button and then open it in popup view 
15. Wifi calling is not working properly after update 
16.Charging notification is being gone if you swipe left or right on it. Charging notification is not lock. 
17.I feel slow sensitivity in recent menu when you left or right. Animation is not laggy but i feel slow in some areas Good lock modules is not properly optimised for one ui 6.. There are so many bugs in good lock modules after one ui 6 update.. 
18.Vertical app drawer is not there 19.Keyboard themes not working properly 20. Background blur control for App drawer having glitch 
21.There is bug in camera app after update. When you go to night mode, you cannot change its timer for taking shot i.e 2 seconds. 
22. UHQ not working with headsets like Jbl 23. One bug I'm facing is when I open the recent opened apps drawer, i am unable to close the recent apps and when i lock and unlock my device then I'm able to do so 24.Not able to remove my notifications from lock screen 
25. Apps name in app drawer is not fully visible 
26. Big icons in homescreen compare to one ui5.1 
27.What is the point of that big 2 icons in notification if you cant modify them 
28.The controls in video player is placed in centre.. it was more comfortable and handy in one ui 
29.Aod is stuck on top of the screen after this one ui 6 update on my s21 fe exynos. I am keepinbg it in tap to show mode it is still on top and not in the middle like one ui 5 
30. Currently I am unable to find the swipe down on homescreen to access search ( finder, like iPhones) option. It was there in oneui 5. Maybe they removed it.🤔
 31.The ANIMATIONS are very bad in S21 FE (EXYNOS) variant in compare to (SNAPDRAGON) variant, SAMSUNG please improve ANIMATIONS in S21 FE (EXYNOS) variant
 32. Google security update missing now, after completing one ui 6 update Anyone facing these issues after updating? 

Samsung developers/ samsung members support team , please support us by solving these issues and we would like to thank you for providing us with the latest update prior to month end week. 
By samsung community team

Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Digital wellbeing widget has some serious glitch. It says 23, 24, 27 hours sometimes even if I've used 1-2 hours
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Notes brother
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Sorry? Didn't get it.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Noted the issue
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
Noted the issue as well
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Ohh yeah, that too.
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
It has been resolved with latest update. Check the galaxy store for updates.
Active Level 2
Galaxy S
Its old issue I am seeing in my phone one ui 5.1 also.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
can't remove Device control and media output button from notification panel.1703135065044_1703135065038_0.jpg1703135071825.jpg