Original topic:

is there any way we can enable yhe Am/Pm to show un the 12hr clock?

(Topic created on: 12-11-2019 11:37 PM)
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy M
In M30s there is no way to enable Am/Pm
Galaxy M
goto settings-general management-date and time and disable 24hr format option.

But this will not reflect in status bar.
Active Level 8
Galaxy M
Check the Screenshots below and follow the instructions and disable 24 hour format
General management >date and time >24hour format
Active Level 7
Galaxy M
He wants to show AM/PM on status bar. Which is not possible.
Not applicable
Galaxy M
yes after pie or 2.0 q update, that option removed..only home screen widget have this facility
Galaxy M
You can..but that will be applicable only for homescreen wideget clock..""status bar clock can't changed""..
Go to general management>select date and time>disable 24hr format
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

1st off thats useless as i have full screens of apps and don't use nor have space for widget. 2nd US has consumer law stating its illegal to sell any time telling without clearly expressed AM vs. PM. so I will be suing Samsung for breaking my American law consumer right here if my core clock does not get AM/PM option back. if 1 more of you ignorant jerks suggest we switch to 24 hour system I'll snap cause American's are never taught nor do we use it period. we soley understand 12 hour am pm only. so get through your heads 24 hour international clock is useless to every single american consumer (unless they served in us military) we simply do not know how to understand the system. same as we do not learn or understand the metric system at all!  I personally desperately need am pm in my core clock as it happens to be my only clock not effected by power outages i own. I can't tell if it's am or pm if i wake between 6 7 8 o'clock (at least during east coast summer ) as both have sun up here still for us. also looking outsides useless if we have thunderstorms or such blocking out to see if sun or moon is showing. how bout thinking bout those of us who soley depend on our phones for our information like this. knowing if its am or pm is a crucial need for American consumers who do not know how to understand a 24 hour system of time. 

Beginner Level 2
Galaxy M

Did you sue em?

Expert Level 1
Galaxy M
Which widget