Original topic:

My Story with Samsung

(Topic created on: 07-24-2019 08:07 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy J
Samsung Right,
It started for me in year 2017, were i bought mid range phone Samsung Galaxy J7nxt well something usually i will say right!!!
Well i am still a student and yes i must Samsung has ideas,creative and alot.
So yes my friends started to question ''hey why did you buyed samsung phone its waste'' well it was for them i didn't said a word at that time cause i know there will be a lot more things to come for me. Yes i was bit concerned like yes i buyed that phone am i gonna get updates stability or new features well i must say i was never disappointed by that time i found it very nice and smooth my daily driver is worth it and again my friends yes same variant different company but doesn't stand out infront of mine they changed overtime or i say twice a time!!! but me yes I'm still here with my galaxy so Every morning i dock out my device the day has began!!! Hoping to continue with SAMSUNG.

Thank you!