Original topic:

samsung is testing patience

(Topic created on: 01-28-2021 11:44 AM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy A
Samsung is rolling out update day by day for the Lower varients no matter wt the schedule is but when ever we ask about update regrading the models which haven't recvd it yet they simple refer to schedule as if they are thoroughly following it and do that shamelessly... This is really irritating.. I have A51 and got to know that M21 updated yesterday right after M31... Is this some kind of joke? Pathetic Samsung pathetic...

Note: the guy who comment on every post like this with schedule screen shot plz don't comment here we all have seen it... I will report u if u will do so
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
Its not called "mismanagement" because software developers are different for different regions. Are you not happy about the fact that you will get 3 Android updates? And A71 is on the list of quarterly updates, and according to YOU, quarterly means 4 months, so I hope you know how to count, October to February is 4 months.
Galaxy A
Bhai quarter means 3 months not 4. Please remember who told you 4 months.

So now updates will be rolled out on the wish of developers?

A device is not getting updates on time and 1 device is getting update before schedule. Wow.

I am more than excited for 3 updates.

But not at the cost of removed features. I suppose Samsung is better of for die hard fans.

And please keep your gyan with you on quarterly updates.
I doubt even Samsung knows when a device will get next update.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
Absolutely, updates will be rolled out on the wish of the developers. If an update is not ready, then it won't be released. About A51, I said this a lot of times that the next update will be in January and it was in January that A51 received the next update. If one device gets updates inconsistently, then it doesn't mean that there is no fixed time.
Galaxy A
LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Now I got it why Samsung mobile sales are dipping.

Thanks a lot.
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
i feel cheated by purchasing A71, facing microphone issues since day 1, no software updates since october on A71, etc. need to boycott samsung.
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
You are over exaggerating. I am also using M31 and still haven't yet received the update.

Also m31 is using core one ui 3.0 while a51 is using the full fetched version of one ui which requires more optimization than core version. Also, the update of m31 is full of glitches as of now. Just be patient
Expert Level 5
Galaxy A
M31 received the update a week ago, try using Smart Switch or visit a service center (I don't know about the condition outside India).
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
I am outside india. it hasn't released globally yet . Only available for selected regions