Original topic:

Why samsung phones doesn't have charging intelligence

(Topic created on: 03-11-2024 12:20 PM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
Samsung phones charges with high current (2A) when it reached to 80-90%. There is no overcharge protection and intelligence in these so called AI phones. Is this so difficult to achieve or is this intentionally kept to let user damage the battery. This is the reason samsung phone batteries doesn't last long.

In my previous phone, Honor Play. Which is still the best phone I have ever used. when the phone reaches to 80-90%, it slows down the charging by reducing the charge current (can be seen on AccuBattery App). This has saved the battery from overcharging damage and it still gives 2 days of backup after 4 years.
Active Level 10
Galaxy A
Use Routines..

Add battery levels.. and action for that..

Enabling battery protection mode,
Make volume high
Speak loudly twice like please disconnect charger.

Learn AI and use it.

Active Level 3
Galaxy A
Maybe you should learn what is AI first. That's not AI.

fyi, you are talking to a certified AI engineer.
Active Level 10
Galaxy A
I know AIDesigner (2)_1000005679_1708605242.png
Active Level 10
Galaxy A
Bro there is still a old school protect battery option available in the quick panel layout which just stops your phone or limit your phone to charge after 85 % that protect you're battery health moreover you're right there must be Ai involvement like when to charge fast and when to low moreover i need this protect battery to limit at 90 percent they should give is the option Though isn't it.
Active Level 10
Galaxy A
I set routines to charge phone to 95%, then phone makes media volume higher and speaks text like disconnect charger..

And put phone in battery protection mode.

And reverse that action..like auto battery protection mode off.

You can use that for 90,.99 or even 100.
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
Yes, many other companies like Oneplus, MI, etc is already doing that from many years.

They have crazy fast charging technologies and incredible intelligence in chip to ensure battery life but samsung is way behind from it or samsung is doing it on purpose.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy A
Bro samsung already had this feature which can slow down charging after 80/90 or at whichever % you want.
Use modes and routine for that
Go to modes and routine >add routine >add if condition >battery level 80(or whatever % you want)
Now go to then condition >add fast charging off
After setting this routine your phone will stop fast charging after 80/90 or whichever % you set
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
There is absolutely no difference in fast charging setting on charging current. It's just a marketing gimmick.

Charge your samsung phone and check charge current on AccuBattery. It will show same charging current.
Expert Level 1
Galaxy A
Ok bro so tell me for my knowledge
Why it takes longer time when fast charging is disabled.
If we disabled fast charging and then charge current is not reduced then why it takes more time to charge the phone