Original topic:

Samsung cant satisfy customer needs !!!

(Topic created on: 05-12-2019 10:05 PM)
Active Level 4
Galaxy A
Guys dont stick with samsung.

One day samsung will be vanished from india.
Active Level 8
Galaxy A
@amolk95 is there any particular issue you have ??
because i am using Samsung from last 9 years and till now my confidence in Samsung has just become stronger from customer experience to latest innovations to device look and quality. That's the reason Samsung is awarded with Asia's favorite customer brand. Its not going anywhere , its here for the long run.
Galaxy A
You are level 7 so you might be here for long time. You can see many users posting their problems with the phone and how Samsung is delaying the updates. Other companies are providing good updates and their software has very few bugs. releasing phones which have a lot of widespread issues is not good. It's been 3 ½months since I bought A50 and no improvement in the issues faced my me and others.
Active Level 8
Galaxy A
@SamsungMobileIN i have used many devices and for Samsung i have been using all the flagship note devices & in my family we have Samsung devices only and nobody has any complaint ever with the device . I use almost every feature of my Galaxy device . Have seen many issues people are facing but didn't find anyone of those people addressing it in the right way. Personally i also got bugs & issues but i reported them in the feedback and got solution in the next update unlike others who just create a buzz from a post abusing and creating hate. About all the updates you are talking about, Samsung was the first to bring most of the features in its Own UI that other devices got after android update only. So update was never a concern as Samsung users are way ahead than other brand users who get updates just for the name but Samsung has all those features even without those updates & due to Samsung's own UI touch to the devices it takes time to develop a software over the stock android but i don't complaint about it because everything a user wants is there in Samsung .And for the criticism people can't get over it as they already have the best balance of all but will be busy highlighting the one thing other brand has better irrespective of analyzing that Samsung phone's are a full package overall i agree it can't be best in all categories but for that you have a variety of devices that suits everyone. I would like to ask what do you want from the update ?? or is it just the update you want for the name??
Galaxy A

great one