Original topic:

Get more fonts by Samsung!

(Topic created on: 08-15-2021 12:28 PM)
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Galaxy A

Samsung has many fonts, but they are country-dependent. Today found a way to get additional fonts by Samsung.

●Connect to UK, Korea or China* vpn.
 (Each country has different fonts)
●Remove sim cards and connect to a WiFi network
●Clear data of Galaxy Store and open again
●Go to fonts part and download Samsung fonts.

Here are fonts depending on country:
Korea: Tinkle Bell, Apple Mint
UK: Choco Cooky, Rosemary, Cool Jazz, Samsung Sans
China: Kaiti, ShaoNV, Miao.

Here are font preview:


SmartSelect_20210814-090610_Settings.jpgIf you have any problem, DM me! 



UK font:


SmartSelect_20210815-215111_Galaxy Store.jpg


Korea font:


Screenshot_20210815-093122_Galaxy Store.jpg


China font


Screenshot_20210815-093324_Galaxy Store.jpg


(Although China has its own language as an icon, the font can be used in every language)


*China vpn can be replaced with Hong Kong vpn also. Turbo VPN Lite nodded is suggested, because to get Korea and China vpn you must pay Premium.

Galaxy A
Show Apple Mint and Tinkle Bell SS After Applied
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Galaxy A


You can see the difference. 

Galaxy A
Tinker Bell is lob ❤️
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Galaxy A
Pre-installed Fonts in my Galaxy J5 Prime. 🙂🙂🙂 Samsung Sans is also there.
I think UK and India have same fonts... 🤔🤔🤔clipboard_image_1629011942856.jpg
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Galaxy A
And my favourite is Rosemary... It looks like hand-writing. 😀😀😀
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Galaxy A

I like AppleMint and Kaiti.

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Galaxy A
But I need a VPN for it... 🤔🤔🤔
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Galaxy A

You can download Turbo VPN Lite mod apk to have HK and Korea vpn free. It's secure. 

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Galaxy A
What? Shouldn't I download it from Play Store... Why you are suggesting mod version...