Original topic:

Choosing Peace!

(Topic created on: 07-20-2023 07:10 PM)
Expert Level 5
Community Guidelines
So, I am uninstalling this app for good! 
  • No action by the Admin against the criminal activities going on here - morphing photos, defaming people, misusing photos, criminal impersonation and what not!
  • Worse - the Admin chose to ban Matinsarkar297(an Expert level 5 user), one of the VICTIMS, instead of the culprit.
  • This community is becoming a place only for this type of anti social activities and promotional events. Nothing else is going on here.
I would like to end this by saying that none of this would've escalated to this level if the admin/moderators took proactive actions and banned the accounts of the criminal elements when all these started. Instead, they chose to remain as mute spectators.

So that's it. Adios mates!

Community Guidelines
so its clear your biggest enemy in this community is may be i am not sure its admin or mod.
Not applicable
Community Guidelines
I heard that your Veer_Bhatiya22 account got banned??Is it correct?
Community Guidelines
sid without you in community... soo much of peace.....
Community Guidelines
Abe chaprasi Sid abhi bhi hai community mein, Sirf post ya comment nahi kiya iska matlab community mein nahi hai aisa toh nahi hai 😂😂😂😂