Original topic:

Screen time issue

(Topic created on: a month ago)
Active Level 7
Tech Talk
You know what's the daily average screen time (total ie phone, laptops etc) of world, 7hrs daily. And in India people spends 7 hrs 18 mns. If you are phone addicted I have a perfect solution to cure this.

1) Try to organise your apps or download reputed launchers, ie smart launcher, ratio launcher, etc. These will organise your apps easily. 

2) If you watch Instagram, Facebook, use it in browser and after every session clear cookies of that site, this will reduce screen time very quickly. 

3) For gamers, let me show you example, suppose you play games for 5hr, start by setting the limit of 4.5 hrs in 1st day, and in second day set it to 4hrs. I mean slowly reduce your screen time limit. This will decrease screen time. 

4) Turn on grey scale. 

5) use 60hz and uninstall distracting apps if possible. 

try to reduce your screen time to 2-3 hrs which is ideal for human eye. 
Hope this will help. 
Active Level 5
Tech Talk
What is grey scale? Btw you can set app timer for all app like insta.. gaming .. etc. Also set mode and routines too it will be so much helpful
Tech Talk
You can set it by using colour correction setting in accessibility settings