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How to write a good bug report

(Topic created on: 07-09-2022 07:37 PM)
Tech Talk
Hey Members 👋!  Hello 👋!  Hope you all are doing great 👍
Here let's talk about how to write a good bug report! Yes it's necessary! Because a good bug report helps developers get to the root of problem easily and this bug gets fixed faster. 
Now many of us do bug report via Samsung Members App > Get Help section > Error Report but do it so badly I see some people posting screenshot, it's such a bad one that one will surely not get the actual issue. 
Then you might ask how to write a good one? What must it contain , what sort of details !?
Here I'm to tell.
A good bug report has the following:
1) Title (mandatory) and bug ID (optional) 
Yes a good and clear title which can describe the bug in like one line.
Eg. Bug Report: Quick panel lag when lot of notifications are there.
2) now we have a title so we must give details of the environment 
By environment I mean the following details:
Device: eg Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra (SM-S908B)
Android Version: 12 (S)
One UI Version: 4.1
Security patch: 1 July 2022

3) now environment done . So we must describe the exact steps to recreat the issue:
Eg. 1) Open Settings 
 2) Go to Display settings 
 3) Go to Navigation Type 
 4) switch between Gesture or Buttons 
 And then there is a lag when switching etc.
Or maybe like
1) Open Some app 
2) go to some page
3) click some button 
And error occurs 

(Just examples not real)
 Now attached Appropriate Screenshots and screen recording, if system ui crashes the record the device with another device camera and attach the recording . 
Logs are automatically generated and attached if reported within 15 minutes of occurrence. 

This way it's way more useful and developers find easy to fix bugs and give a solution.

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Tech Talk

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