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samsung free s21 ultra gifts

(Topic created on: 03-20-2021 12:53 PM)
Active Level 9
I did receive a call from samsung that my gifts will take between 7 and 14 days,I was validated at the 3 rd of February, so looks like they want to press until the very last minute, not very good service. My wife ordered earpods yesterday from istore, receive a confirmation this morning its gonna be delivered today,so samsung try to match that kind of service!!! You have a long way to go! Spend less time,money and technology in the members app and start to put all this wasted energy into your service. Samsung should open a dedicated mobile store only,and separate it from the home appliances ,as mobile is the future, even here in south africa, so please samsung your service socks,fix it,start selling you excellent products backed by a good service.
Active Level 5
i got my Buds Pro and Smart Tag delivered within a week or so after getting my phone. Trust me, the wait is well worth it.
Active Level 9
Got a call twice this morning from a guy and a lady,asking which color buds I want, they also asked me the color on Friday and also sent me a link a weak ago to choose the color,kinda odd they dont get it right the first time,lots of miss communication within samsung ,anyway they said I should get a call on Monday with delivery confirmation, lets hope this time they deliver on their promises, very odd to get a call for the same thing on a Saturday. I saw a lot of reviews, and in some categories they kick the **bleep**,of airpods pro,look like a good pair of true wireless accessories, definitely worth it. Would like to see the expression of the fanboys. I think samsung must have a huge request for these items,and the volume is just too much to handle,nice from samsung though!
Active Level 1
I've had no contact from Samsung whatsoever to deliver my buds pro and tag. Really frustrating I've called them 3 times, each time after a week and now it's been 7 weeks and still nothing. Each time I called they say they escalating it. I don't know where to because clearly something is not right.