Original topic:

Text shortcuts. Type faster with with the Text shortcuts feature.

(Topic created on: 08-30-2024 01:18 PM)
Active Level 6
Samsung Keyboard and Gboard (Google Keyboard) both have a Text Shortcuts feature. Users can assign a keyword to detailed text in the settings. When typing, if that keyword is entered, the keyboard app will automatically suggest the related detailed text. 
For Samsung Keyboard:
  • Tap the gear icon to enter Keyboard Settings.
  • Select Smart Typing.
  • Activate Predictive Text.
  • Tap on Text Shortcuts.
  • Press the Add button.
  • Type the shortcut keyword in the Shortcut field.
  • Type the detailed text in the Expanded Phrase field.
  • While typing, enter the keyword and tap on the text from the suggestion ribbon.
For Gboard, it can be done similarly by navigating to Gear Icon > Dictionary > Personal Dictionary > All Languages or your language.

Thank YOU.