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(Topic created on: 04-12-2019 01:49 AM)
Active Level 7

Sometimes in the winter it can feel like the sun barely makes an appearance for more than four hours a day. One of the best parts of summer is that it doesn’t get dark until around 8:30 or 9pm, which means more time for fun outside.


After a long, hot day nothing is better than a quick shower to cool everything off. Plus, there is that wonderful smell of grass after it rains that is so synonymous with the season and takes us back to our own childhoods.



There is something magical about sitting outside on a picnic blanket, anxiously waiting that first pop signaling the rest of the show. Watching a fireworks display is, and always will be, the definitive summer activity.



Whether you call them fireflies, lightning bugs or glow bugs, the first time these little critters light up the sky is a sure sign that summer has arrived.



Warm comfort foods have a place in our hearts, but summer is the only time we have a real excuse to indulge in hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad and other yummy picnic staples without apology, plus getting together with friends and family for outdoor fun is definitely a plus

.No school

Though the house is significantly louder, it’s nice to have the kids' home from school for a few months to catch up on the activities you may not have gotten to during the year.

. Family vacations

By this time of year, we are so ready to pack up the car and head to the beach we could burst! Heading to the shore, the lake, the country or anywhere away from home is the ultimate way to relax and recoup—and create familiy memories that are sure to last a lifetime.

. Summer fruits

Sure, apples are delicious, but everyone knows that summer is the season for all the best fruits. Peaches, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon and many others are all at their peak and ready for eating.

 The pool


It doesn’t matter if you have one in your backyard or make the trek to your local pool, summer hasn’t arrived until the kids (and you) have taken that first dip!