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Galaxy Fold' s Preorders begins in US

(Topic created on: 04-13-2019 10:46 PM)
Expert Level 1
Samsung's first phone with a foldable screen, the Galaxy Fold, is nearly here. If you're patiently waiting to buy it, you're in luck. A private preorder begins Monday, April 15, by a reservation system is in place to even be allowed to buy the phone. Better be quick about it, too: Samsung has already warned buyers that supplies will be limited. The Fold officially goes on sale April 26 at select stores. Scroll down for more details. The Galaxy Fold is a hybrid phone/tablet device that has two screens, a smaller display on the front that looks like a typical smartphone, and another screen on the inside of the phone that's folded in half and opens up to a 7.3-inch display. It's a crazy idea that's going to see competition from device makers.


 How can you buy the Galaxy Fold?
                   Starting April 12, you can place a reservation for the Galaxy Fold if you register to receive more information from Samsung. Samsung tells us that a "private preorder will begin on Monday, April 15." Registering for more information doesn't oblige you to buy the Galaxy Fold, a Samsung representative confirmed: "If someone signs up tomorrow to reserve their spot in the private preorder that starts on April 15, they are not committed to purchasing on Monday. It's their choice." 2019-04-11-23-09-07 The registration page. It's not too late. Visit the Galaxy Fold website and click on Sign Up in the top-right corner, then enter your information. You should then receive an email on April 12 with more information about reserving the upcoming device. (In Australia, click "pre-register now" on this page. The UK site does not yet have a Fold page.) The Fold will be on display and available to buy in the US starting April 26 in select AT&T, T-Mobile, Best Buy and Samsung Experience Stores. Samsung warns supplies will be limited, so it's a good idea to reserve a Fold instead of trying to get one on launch day. 
Expert Level 2
Not applicable
me soch raha hoon ,ekbar ie galaxy fold tut jaye to kinta replacement price padega