Original topic:

[Day 10] #StayHomeChallenge

(Topic created on: 04-09-2020 03:59 PM)
Community Manager

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Do you have an attitude for gratitude in your life? Let’s be grateful together!


Tell us what is it that you’re the most thankful for in the comments below using the #StayHomeChallenge. One lucky winner will stand a chance to win a surprise gift from Samsung.


T&C Apply.

Active Level 6
We must never forget the importance of gratitude.
Active Level 3
Active Level 7
I would like to show gratitude towards my colleagues who are busy in provide essential services in Delhi at this time of pandemic including me.🥰🥰🥰

Right now I am thankful to the Doctors, Nurses, Police, Indian Army, Government and to everyone who are working hard to make India Corona Free...

Active Level 6
I would say I am most thankful to my parents and my grandparents. #StayHomeChallenge
most grateful to the health workers, individuals working in this situation and modi ji #StayHomeChalleng
Active Level 9
Day 10 #StayHomeChallenge
i would like to thanks to
1. Parents Always if I get a chance to Thank

someone in the best possible way I will start with

my parents. Both being highly qualified and into academics have been a great source of inspiration

to me. Since the age of 5 I have been taught to use a computer. I used to sit besides my dad and press the key he used to tell be and soon within a year

able to draw drawings in paint, play few card games and watch some interactive stuff. This was

back in 1997 when kids my age knew nothing

about the internet, my dad used to tell me. My

mom was the one who introduce me to the

wonderful game of chess and to astronomy which

is still a part of my life. My parents tried hard to get

me into the space camp for 2 weeks. They were

the ones who inspired me to learn a whole bunch

on instruments (tabla,harmonium and violin). I am who i am today all because those two stood beside my every wish and tried to fulfill it.
2. My Grandparents- Even though they are 2 generations above me, they never stopped me from doing something new.
I Am Very Grateful for my family is likes a friends circle & the friends are becomes family.
Love my family.
Active Level 6
I am not very happy in my life, but even as my life is going on, it is still going on through my father, I never call him bad, he is very good but his anger is very bad but never raise his hand but Say a lot #StayHomeChallenge
Active Level 10
I'm thankful for people's contribution in this though times towards the underprivileged and animals #StayHomeChallenge