Original topic:

Samsung Notes is missing a basic, but critically important feature

(Topic created on: 12-15-2021 08:51 AM)
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)

Samsung notes in many ways is the best note app available for tablets, and yet nobody uses it because it lacks 1 critical feature. It needs to have infinite scroll both up and down, and side to side. This is the standard for other note apps because it's so difficult to take notes on a tablet without it. You end up awkwardly trying to write at the end of the screen because it won't let you move the place where your writing to the center, or your constantly find that you were writing too big and run out of space. The app is 100% useless for writing with a tablet and stylus as of now. It has so many great features that no other note app can compete with, but none of those matter if it lacks a basic usability function. Its been a repeatedly requested feature for years. Please add this to your app. I genuinely want to use Samsung Notes, but without this feature I can't.