Original topic:

Receiving and Declining calls in Samsung Dialer

(Topic created on: 01-19-2023 11:11 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)

Considering big screen size of current generation mobile phones, reachability has become an issue. And in Samsung dialer app, reaching in one hand to receive or decline a call is cumbersome.

My suggestion would be, if they could move it to the centre same as the way Google dialer does (swiping up/down to receive/decline call), then that would be simpler and helpful.

Also, if they decide to implement it, it should be applied to all Samsung phones irrespective they are due to get an update or not.

Expert Level 5
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
Isn't it easier to reach the corner of the screen than the center?

Which series phone do you use? Maybe you can add a Bixby routine whereby you can assign something like a single click on the lock key to decline calls and a click on the volume key to accept calls.(I think something like this is available inside the call settings even without having to use Bixby routines)
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
It's easier when you are trying to reach the corner same as your holding hand. But not the other corner.
Volume key: Accept and declining calls will work. But during call, if you can't increase/decrease the call volume, it will disconnect.
Bixby: If I had to use Bixby, then why would anyone use a dialer. And let's be honest, how much is Bixby actually used?

Baseline is to improve the dialer app, although work arounds are available. I could use a Google dialer or any other work around, but then why would anyone here in the forum provide suggestions
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
Ok, Well I had tried that before. But after answering, I noticed the volume up Key was not functioning and I had to stick with the same volume. May be that's a bug
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
Works like a charm for me as well. However, it seems the OP wants the dialer to change and not any other solution.
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
I am OK with any solution that is convenient and if you see, I have tried other solutions but if the bug could be fixed, then I have no issues. If they add it in the settings, whoever wants can opt for it. I am suggesting what could be convenient for a larger mass and specific to some individuals. It's upto the company to consider. And would suggest to please read before commenting.
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
Not everyone has a TWS and not everyone has them ON every time
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
Bro, if he wants, there are plenty of options to solve this ranging from using the gesture to launch one handed mode(a single swipe) and being able to access the entire screen with one hand to using one hand plus module of Good lock or even Bixby routines.
Active Level 3
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
There are work arounds. But it's about suggestions for the dialer itself.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy Store (Apps & more)
If I am being honest, I use Bixby routines every single day. Love it. It's the best app on a Samsung phone and one of the only reasons pulling me back from shifting to a pixel (the other being Good lock)
And it seems I am not the only one.


And volume key will work as the volume key once the call is attended. So, that's that.

Anyway, you can wait for Samsung to change the dialer. (which won't happen any time soon).

Btw I like the dialer the way it is. So, if they ask us our opinion, you know where I will be lol.

Have a good day.