Original topic:

Some features Suggestions

(Topic created on: 10-08-2022 09:18 AM)
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Team samsung,  I have below 2 feature suggestions. It will be great if you review and evalute them and if possible implement in OneUi.

1. Screenshot: the current gesture to take screenshot of swiping palm from right to left or left to right is not all user friendly. Suggestion is to also provide swiping 2 or 3 finger on screen from to bottom ..it is easy to take screenshot. VIVO has similar gesture.
2. Swiping left on home screen shows google news page. Suggestion to provide toggle option on the page to switch to the most frequently used apps cards can be visible there. User should able to customize that page to decide which card or apps to be visible. This way use can keep the important or frequently used content/ apps on one page in card fashion can quickly use them whenever needed.
Galaxy S
1. Screenshot is there in one ui 5.0
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Ohh..great so in OneUI 5 we can take screenshot by finger swipe gesture.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S
1)If you use one hand operation plus, there are much easier ways to take a ss on Samsung. Eg:I just diagonally swipe with one finger to take a screenshot.

2)You can use edge panel for this purpose. Add all your frequently used apps in the edge panel and then a swipe will give you all the apps you need, and more!

All UIs have their own pros and cons, we should try to utilise the pros. As of now, the amount of customisation offered by good lock modules on one ui is just unmatchable. You should try those once. I too complained about screenshot method initially. But after using one hand operations plus, I won't be using the 3 finger gesture even if they provide it.

Having said all these, it's always welcome if they can provide more options to accommodate all users.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
1. I was not knowing about onehand plus, will try that.
2. I was talking about feature like below ..it will quick access to the desired information
Active Level 10
Galaxy S
Use Vol down and power button together to take screenshot.
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Yes it is there but still not convenient. Using one hand plus tool now..is good
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
One handed operation plus it available both Galaxy store and Google play store the add diagonal gestures to take screen
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Yes I have started using it now..