Original topic:

E-mail to the CEO sent for a Disappointing Experience faced by Loyal Samsung Smartphone User

(Topic created on: 10-27-2020 08:27 AM)
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

Hello CEO,


Dead on Arrival Certificate Number: 4312372578 dated 20.10.2020


I purchased a Samsung S20FE from SAVEX Samsung Online Store. I was disappointingly delivered with a defective phone on 19th October 2020.I have been a loyal customer ever since the Galaxy S2 was launched. In spite of recommendation from friends and family to move to i-phone, I stuck to Samsung yet again. I am going through a nightmare of experience with Samsung's poor and pathetic Customer Service!


After delivering a defective phone on 19th Oct 2020, and being issued with a Dead on Arrival Certificate dated 20th October 2020, I have made three phone calls (all recorded by me for future reference). I have also interacted on email with a person by name Ms. Neethu. I was also provided with various references like  1769806 (e-mail) and 1162595400 (after phone calls).

Every customer representative who comes on the phone gave me **bleep** promises. Till today, on 26th Oct 2020, I have not received the voucher to help me buy the phone again. All Samsung wants is customer feedback. Even without resolving the problem, we receive an email saying the issue is resolved. This is definitely not "customer service".


Samsung India Mobile Team has taken money, has issued DOA certificate which is a clear acceptance of a faulty phone delivered to me, promised to issue voucher on email and SMS initially in 3-4 days, then changed the position and said it would be issued in 5-7 days and nothing as yet. This is disgusting service. The worst is to be heard. Today, when I made a call, I was informed that a voucher will be sent to the Service Center and they will inform me!!. I was always told by Customer representatives on the phone that a voucher would be sent on email and SMS. Also, the Service Center guys informed me the same. Now, to delay the matter, this new twist was informed by us. I have started to feel that Samsung is actually indulging in cheating me.


Please instruct to resolve this matter before. Without prejudice, I reserve my legal rights to secure my rights as a buyer who has settled the full payment, but has been deprived of the product till date! I will also be compelled to post this poor experience with Samsung across all social media platforms so that buyers know what is in store these days dealing with Samsung.


Let me remind you that this is the level of service for a premiere flagship product or let me say a latest product like S20FE.


I offer a better proposition- If SAMSUNG cannot deliver the phone, please refund the money back to us immediately! No more hassles for SAMSUNG and surely for me too! Let us end this with more sense prevailing around the issue.  


Please take this complaint seriously and not just another email as is being treated by Samsung.



(My Name)


I am hoping the matter to be resolved. I have started to post this issue on Facebook page. Once again, even after giving my reference numbers, they insist that I share my phone number, which they already have? Why should I risk sharing my contact number on FB platform, when FB themselves do not disclose it? This is just another tactics to delay or drag the issue.

Active Level 6
Galaxy S
very sad experience... hope this reaches the actual CEO instead of just someone to reply. I agree with you... these days no value for customers... all they need is our money.
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S

Thanks Scott, It did reach to the CEO office is what I could make out when a person returned the call. However, I have posted another note on what happened even after the escalation from the CEO office. It gets worst each time you speak to these guys. They call you and you have to start from the point you booted your machine to make the online purchase. Unprepared calls from their representatives and every person in the system buys another 24-48hrs. Now I get the impression that when we talk to a junior and senior, and if both say it would take 24-48hrs it actually means the total response time would be 48-96hrs! They use even a poor customer service situation as a sales opportunity by refunding the money and trade-in value for coupon. That is so agonizing!

Expert Level 4
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. We would request you to kindly contact us through given channel 1800 40 SAMSUNG (7267864) or 1800 5 SAMSUNG (7267864) or email us at support.india@samsung.com, so that we can help you out with this.

Thank you for writing to Samsung.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Expert Level 4
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. We would request you to kindly contact us through given channel 1800 40 SAMSUNG (7267864) or 1800 5 SAMSUNG (7267864) or email us at support.india@samsung.com

Thank you for writing to Samsung.

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Galaxy S
Time has turned around....now time for change...upgrade to Apple....

Meanwhile legal options should also be looked upon....
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S
I wish I read this before purchasing my S22 Ultra. I am going through this Traumatic experience as we speak.