Original topic:

Bring Back S Secure App Lock to Samsung Devices

(Topic created on: 07-20-2023 11:33 AM)
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Samsung devices come with a built-in security feature called Secure Folder. Secure Folder allows you to create a separate, encrypted space on your device where you can store apps, photos, documents, and other files. To access Secure Folder, you need to enter a PIN, pattern, or password. While Secure Folder is a great way to protect your sensitive data, it can be a bit cumbersome to use. For example, if you want to lock an individual app, you need to create a Secure Folder and then move the app into the Secure Folder. This can be time-consuming and inconvenient. In the past, Samsung offered a separate app called S Secure App Lock. S Secure App Lock allowed you to lock individual apps without having to use Secure Folder. This was a much more convenient way to protect your sensitive data. Unfortunately, Samsung discontinued S Secure App Lock a few years ago. This was a big disappointment for many Samsung users. I am writing to request that Samsung bring back S Secure App Lock. I believe that this would be a popular feature with Samsung users. It would be a more convenient way to protect sensitive data than using Secure Folder. I hope that Samsung will consider my request. In addition to the content above, you could also add the following: A list of benefits of S Secure App Lock, such as:It is more convenientIt allows you to lock individual appsIt is a more secure way to protect your sensitive data like on screen app infoA call to action, such as:Please sign this petition to request that Samsung bring back S Secure App Lock.Let Samsung know that you want this feature back. 
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S
bring back s secure app
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy S
Again enable S secure apk it's best ever security purpose apk
Galaxy S