Original topic:

Bixby Voice is finally here!!!

(Topic created on: 08-22-2017 11:29 PM)
Active Level 6
Galaxy S
Thanks Samsung for releasing Bixby voice to the rest of the world at least before you announce the Galaxy Note 8. The most anticipated feature and the most highlighted feature is now challenging the rest of the AI assistants. Let's hope that Bixby becomes the dominator from all. Great so see this update and thanks Samsung once again for releasing it. Hope the rest of the fans too enjoy it!96acfce3-7356-4c39-9061-4346dce4f2e2.jpg
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
samsung making Indians fool.
Active Level 3
Galaxy S
Guys please its a request don't buy samsung galaxy note 8. Now samsung is treating indians like fool. We have paid the highest amount and bought s8 or s8+. But now this is the way we are treated indians who have s8 and s8+ we always keep checking bixby for update yes thats happening samsung and we know bixby is not a big deal even if its updated and started working then also most of the people will not use it is just that samsung think indian are fool and always they can fool us by adds and increase there sale to be very honest not i will exchange my every samsung stuff my led, my S8,Washing machine every stuff. I will make sure it will be done by this week i dont know about others but now i dont need any other bull shits from samsung think about it guys just for a voice assistance how many time we have checked our update its not good.Bye samsung