Original topic:

Screenshot Issue

(Topic created on: 06-13-2021 02:50 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Anyone else having low quality issue for Long Screenshot on Note 20 Ultra 5G while sharing to other external apps(even as Whats App Document file) ?

Anyone know a solution ?

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Galaxy Note
WhatsApp tends to compress the file thus the quality gets worser. Previously if you clicked the document option you could share in original file size however it seems that it has been affected. Try sharing using Samsung Link Share works great with zero quality loss
Community Manager
Galaxy Note

Thanks for the help on this Ambassador!

Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
Then why the same issue is happening while attaching in Gmail?

Nb: I've attached the screen recoding for better understanding but from yesterday onwards it is showing "Processing video... It will be ready to watch soon."
Expert Level 1
Galaxy Note
Hello, here you have an easy workaround. Press the share button and choose 'Office' from the list. The office immediately converts it to pdf and show you the share button again. Here you can choose whatsapp, gmail or anything. The recipient can again take it as a long screenshot. The original quality will be preserved. Good luck.
Thank you.
Active Level 1
Galaxy Note
I dont think this is the 'Solution', but I like your idea which was new for me. Thank you.