Original topic:

Burnt charger port and smoke came out of my galaxy M40

(Topic created on: 07-22-2020 10:05 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Burnt charger port and smoke came out of my galaxy M40 phone while charging.


 on Sunday [07/19/20 ] this all started happening,  I put the phone galaxy  M40 in charge within a few seconds I observed smoke comes out of my phone charging port. So I was lucky near the phone so no disaster has happened and unplug the phone from the charger and kept the phone off for more than 2 hours. Then I tried to charge the phone in switch off state post that no response from the phone it was today dead condition. 


 Reg this I contacted the Samsung customer service,  on Monday and explained the above detail. They asked me to hand over the phone to customer service nearby.  I went there and hand over the phone and spent nearly 2:30 hours to get the customer service response and attention.  since I like to know the reason behind the smoke I asked the service center person. They replied as motherboard short circuit and liquid damage.  I have seen the board, to understand about liquid damage. Since there is no chance of water entering into the phone. 


  I could see a small white line trace on the top of the charging board metal cover. No other watermark or water spill is seen in the board and the service center person also said it does not happen recently this water line trace seems to happen long before not in recent days.  And the service center person has also confirmed that the Liquide damage indicator [LDI]is not activated in the device. so it confirms that's no changes of water enter into the phone.


    Now come to customer service reply on this, they said that smoke and short circuit happened dut to the water trace happened the long day before.  If any Tech person sees this, can you please clarify is a long back happened water trace over the metal cover of the charger pin, could be the reason for the short circuit of the phone board which leads to smoke?  


note: I tried to install pubg game on the same day [Sunday [07/19/20 ]] and played the game around 3 plus hours, I observed the phone gets overheated like I saw before i belive this overheat might be caused to short circuit.  


the Samsung team failed to find the real reason instead they want to end up with the cooked-up theory.  This all happened in 1 year and 20days old phone. 


Can any samsamg official can please help here?


Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
Water might have rusted the metal part at that time. If metal starts rusting it will spread and now it might have caused short circuit.
Over heat might have increased the chance of short circuit.
Heat alone can't have caused short circuit.

Check the adapter also. Damage in adapter also cause power surge and it leads to short circuit.
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

To answer you,  i seen the board there is no rusting  observed in the metals cover it was new and also i don't see Liquide damage indicator is activated in board as well. They are opening saying that issue might happened for any cause they don't consider that since they see a water trace line which was caused overlong back.  They want blame the customer and close this issue as customer fault. 

Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
If the water trace is on the board rusting is possible cause.

If not ask them for replacement part and tell them there is no chance of waterdamage caused from your side.
Expert Level 5
Galaxy M
Check the adapter too. Problem in adapter can also lead to burn.
Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Adpator is working fine, I am using Samsung adaptor only and it being used for other Samsung phone now. I dint face this issue in other phone. I am following up with service team, they strongly saying that  they cant do anything from there side they can bear only if some disaster happens . Still i am follow up with Samsung team will share the update.

Active Level 5
Galaxy M
Sometimes the Customer service puts up the blame that there was water traces..

And it's their evergreen tactic, if they cant find the reason behind such issues or seems like Due to faulty wiring in Silicon board, they put the blame on customer for water traces...

But if It happened during Charging, then in most cases it's the Charger to blame, for voltage fluctuations...

Else try to show the device in other service centers or any third party technician to find out the real reason.

NOTE: If going to inquire from third party technician...then tell them not to open up parts or stuff that might void your warranty if you have any or extended the same.
Active Level 7
Galaxy M
This may not be the case, but I thought sharing would be helpful.
Also, this HaC.K/ potential virus was developed by the world renowned chinese company tencent.
Active Level 7
Galaxy M

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

We apologies for your inconvenience. Please visit this mentioned link to resolve your device heating issue: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/why-the-device-heats-up-during-use/

For further assistance, register your concern in Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Get help > Send Feedback > Error report/Ask questions).

Thank you for writing to Samsung.


Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Active Level 1
Galaxy M

Hello  Samsung Customer Support, 

 Hope you dint read my post fully,  I dint face heating issue I observed smoke coming out of the phone while charging, and it was currently in dead condition. So the link you have suggested will not help me in any way. If you really want to help, I was waiting for a callback form for the past 2 days and waiting for a solution for past  6 days still dint get any solution.  MY reference is  "3759282758 " kindly help here.