Original topic:

fast battery decay

(Topic created on: 06-28-2020 08:41 AM)
Active Level 5
Galaxy A
battery drains very fast after android update to 10. see the time and nattery level, even i dont use in morning time today, my phone restart 1 or 2 times every hr.


1 Comment
Expert Level 4
Galaxy A

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!


Please be assured and to  resolve "Auto restart" issue please follow below given steps:

>>>Go to Settings > General management > Reset > Turn off auto start.


Please be assured and to resolve "Battery drainage" issue kindly follow the given below steps:

1)Battery optimization:-Settings>Select Device Maintenance/Device Care>Optimize>Optimize all options like Battery, Storage and Memory
2) Close background running apps:-Tap on recent key and close the background running application.


For more information on battery drainage please click on the link below:


"After Performing the troubleshooting steps "if the issue still persists, kindly register your concern in Samsung Members app (Samsung Members app > Get help > Feedback > Error report) along with Screen-shots(which applications are taking most of the battery). This will help us to further investigate and resolve your concern.

Note: Please send device log files within 15 minutes of issue occurrence along with the exact issue details.


Thank you for writing to Samsung.


Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support