Original topic:

Messages App

(Topic created on: 01-07-2022 12:17 AM)
Active Level 9
Galaxy A
There are two messages app on my Samsung Galaxy A52S 5G device. One from Google and other one from Samsung.

Can you suggest which one is better?


Active Level 10
Galaxy A
Samsung Messages takes less storage than Google messages . I recommend you to use samsung one's. Moreover it is more feature-rich
Expert Level 4
Galaxy A
Organized messages = Samsung
RCS chat messages = Google
Galaxy A
Messaging app of google has some extra features but I recommend you to use Samsung's Messaging app, it's getting better day by day too and I'm using the same despite of having that Google's Messaging app
Active Level 6
Galaxy A
I prefer Samsung message...
Expert Level 2
Galaxy A
Samsung msg take less space than Google msg
Better go for samsung one
Expert Level 4
Galaxy A
In samsung messages, u got the ability to categorize things, like messages from ur family members get a category, friends get a category, and u can even put junk messages under another category😂
But on Google messages, there is only personal, offers and others, that are pre categorized. U cannot edit them manually, as in Samsung Messages. But if u want RCS Chat messages, the Google Messages is way better imo...
Active Level 3
Galaxy A
I prefer Google Messenger because blocking is the + point and the software is very much smoother then samsung although it takes more storage than samsung 🙂
Active Level 9
Galaxy A
Google message app looks better but not supporting dual sim message, can't handle message organization feature properly, sometimes it stucks , Samsung messages is far better,just tap and hold Google message and disable it
Galaxy A
Samsung messages is better, u can disable the google message. Samsung message has better msg organisation and also supports RCS ( myself using with airtel prepaid). Note Msg categorisation in google msg is not available for everyone, atleast I didn't had this feature with google message in earlier 1+ phone.