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Good lock app

(Topic created on: 02-09-2023 09:01 AM)
Beginner Level 5
Galaxy A
Good lock app not available neither on galaxy store nor play store...
I have been said that the app is only available in some countries. This is unbelievable...we are 1 community right, so why this difference???
Active Level 1
Galaxy A
I think you all have a template list of replies already typed out for people's queries. Such a robotic reply with no reasoning or explanation behind it. Not acceptable at all
Beginner Level 3
Galaxy A

Its hillarious. We get charged the same price for a device as in other countries, but we are not allowed to have all the features available. So we are getting ripped off. Its freaking joke! Something should be done to these companies that wants to play god and decide on who deserves what and yet they still want your money. Either you give a device with all the resources or you leave it. Or give us a discount then. Bunch of inbred bloodsucking crooks!!! 


Beginner Level 5
Galaxy A
This is really unacceptable. We as South African Samsung users already get the weaker processer. Exynos is far worse then Snapdragon. Camera functionality to make one example. Now we have to be satisfied with limited app availability also? No this isn't on. We pay the same money for Samsung devises as everyone else in the world....maybe even more?
Beginner Level 4
Galaxy A

Does Samsung just assume that the users in South Africa, not being a first world country, would struggle more and require more support if the app was allowed?  Really unacceptable treatment.  South Africa is also never ever targeted for any Beta programs, yet as many have said, we pay the same price.  

Beginner Level 3
Galaxy A

Simple arrogance on Samsung's part. And also smacks of elitism. "We'll treat some of our customers better than others, even though those customers bloody well pay more for our products". Biggest mistake I made was moving from Huawei.

Active Level 4
Galaxy A
I'm disappointed here in South Africa with my S22 Ultra
Active Level 7
Galaxy A
What's your S22 ultra doing?
Active Level 4
Galaxy A
It has no GoodLock app
Active Level 7
Galaxy A
I got a way that I use and I have managed to get goodlock it's working well
Active Level 4
Galaxy A
@Babiyo which way is that