My Filter

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  1. What is My Filter?
    2. What is a Camera filter?
        1. Optical filter
        2. LUT filter in digital imaging (Lookup Table Filter)
    3. My filter in Galaxy Camera
    4. Notes

What is My Filter?

You can create filters of your choice from any picture you click using the camera app or any picture present in the gallery, using ‘My Filter’.

What is a camera filter?

The filter is a device that removes unwanted stuff like physical substances, signals, etc.
The three primary kinds of filters are, 1) Water purifier filter that filters out physical impurities, 2) Camera filter that filters out wavelengths of light, 3) Filters used in electric signals

Camera filter refers to the physical accessory affixed to the optical path of the camera lens (front part, where the light comes in). But, digital imaging has made physical filters redundant and the word ‘filter’ is used for a set of features such as SW color effects or various synthesis effects used on a sensed image.

Optical filter

Optical filters are made up of highly penetrable glass or plastic material because they only let particular wavelengths of light pass through.

Optical filters are divided into two kinds 1) Absorptive filter and 2) Special effects filter.

  • Absorptive filter: This mainly consists of UV or polaroid filters that absorb the character of light to be filtered and only allow particular wavelengths to penetrate through, thereby blocking UV rays
  • Special effects filter: This is used to transform colors in special environments like stage lighting or under the microscope

LUT filter in digital imaging (Lookup Table Filter)

Three primary colors

All the colors we perceive are a blend of three primary colors. Here, primary colors are those that are independent of each other and cannot be created as a combination of other colors.

Most colors are a combination of 3 colors. These are known as the three primary or elementary colors. RGB and CMY are two combination models under its purview.


How colors are represented in digital imaging

There are different ways of rendering colors in digital imaging. Out of these, the RGB color scheme is the most widely used method to depict colors.

Below is an example of how colors are expressed in the RGB scheme.

RED(255,0,0) GREEN(0,255,255) BLUE(0,0,255) YELLOW(255,255,0) WHITE(255,255,255) BLACK(0,0,0)

Color LUT

To put it simply, color LUT (Lookup Table) shows preset colors.

It shows how actual colors are defined using the combination of the three primary colors. It can be represented in different ways, but it is usually represented in the form shown below.

The fixed-size color chart is made up of 8x8 (64) red and green blocks. A particular color has its intensity (brightness) in terms of each of the elementary colors (R, G, B). They correspond to a coordinate on the table and have their own designated value.


LUT filter

The LUT filter applies changes to the color LUT of an original image (a blend of the 3 primary colors) and maps different colors onto that image.

The following images show how the hue of the original color LUT transforms to emphasize the color blue (blue highlight filter).


This blue accented LUT applied to the below image (right) enhances the green hue of the sky and the flora making it appear more vibrant.


My Filter in Galaxy Camera

Typical filters either come preloaded or you have to install them from the store. In this way, you can download and experience a designer-predefined color tone. But, this presages a problem. You may not know the effect applied (filter name) on a particular image you found on social media or that someone sent to you.

My Filter [3,4] uses AI technology to analyse and extract the style of a captured picture to create your filter. My Filter distills the picture down to its filter color, vignetting, grain effect, and advanced capture technology (manual option in Pro mode) effect.

[How to create your filter using My Filter]



[1] Absorptive filter

[2] Special effects filter

[3] Introduction to My Filter:

[4] It is available in Galaxy S/Note/Fold series released after 2020 and some Galaxy A/M series models.