Original topic:

How to get One UI 7 Beta on S24 series in the Middle East.

(Topic created on: 12-11-2024 10:44 PM)
Active Level 8
SM-S928B is Galaxy S24 Ultra
SM-S926B is Galaxy S24+
SM-S921B is Galaxy S24
What you need:

A PC or laptop, running macOS, Linux, or Windows
A Galaxy S24, S24+, or S24 Ultra.Don't install this on any other device.
A Cable
An Internet connection
This is a beta. Betas can be very unstable. You can do this if you want, but it is better off waiting for the stable version, as there may be more added features and,of course, less bugs. There is also the possibility of bricking your device. Do this at your own risk.
Make sure that your device's CSC code ends in AXK4. If it's not, you need to manually flash the build that ends in AXK4. Follow the guides in this, link:https://droidwin.com/galaxy-s24-ultra-install-axk4-before-adb-sideloading-one-ui-7/. To check, go to the phone app and dial*#1234#.
Step 1: Get ADB
This works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. To get it, go to this link:https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platform-tools, and get it for your OS. For Ubuntu, and some other distros, you can simply install it with the terminal by usingsudo apt update, and then sudo apt install adb. For Windows, extract the file to use the commands.
Step 2: Get the update file.
To get it, go to this link: xdaforums.com/t/beta-1-now-rolling-out-one-ui-7-beta-galaxy-s24-ultra-beta-thread-update-zip-files-news-and-discussion.4683065/#post-89625642, and then click on your device. ONLY GET FOR THE INTERNATIONAL MODELS. Convert the downloaded file from .bin into update.zip.
Step 3: Boot the device into recovery.
To do this, while the phone is off, plug in the device to the PC, and quickly press and hold the power and volume up buttons. If it enters the charging screen, press and hold the power button to get out of it and then do the same button combos.
Step 4: Select the option to update via ADB
On Windows, in the ADB folder, click on the file path, and type CMD to enter the command prompt on Windows.
On Linux, go to the place where ADB is installed and open the terminal normally. This is also with Mac. On your phone, select with the volume down key to highlight Apply update from ADB. Once it's highlighted, click on it with the power button
Step 5: Install the update file via ADB
Your phone is now in ADB sideload. Put the previously renamedupdate.zip file into where ADB is located. Be sure that the CMD path is where ADB is located on Windows. Now, type on the terminal adb sideload update.zip and wait for it to be installed.
And there you go! One UI 7 Beta is now installed on your phone.


Beta 2 is out, however I don't know if you can do the same steps like with beta 1. I think it now needs AXK5.
Active Level 8
This doesn't trip Knox, as it acts like a normal software update, like if you did it with Samsung Members. The option in Samsung Members is only available in Korea and the US.
Active Level 8
This also doesn't need you to unlock the bootloader.
Active Level 10
Thanks for the information, but I think we should wait for the stable version. Beta versions often have many bugs.

Better to wait than to cry.
Active Level 8
Yeah. Betas can be unstable, and there may be more added features on the stable version.
Beginner Level 3
How to get AXK4
Active Level 8
Follow the steps on this link. EUX firmware will work. https://droidwin.com/galaxy-s24-ultra-install-axk4-before-adb-sideloading-one-ui-7/
Active Level 8
No beta for middle east
Active Level 8
Please avoid trying this method, you may brick your device which voids warranty.