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Samsung S25 Ultra S-pen

(Topic created on: 01-30-2025 08:17 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Hello all !

I have the S24 Ultra for 9 months now. I´m very happy with it. The screen is amazing and using the Spen everyday is just great. For the Spen, I´m using it a lot : to navigate with air gesture, taking notes, drawing, etc. The Spen was always a very poweful weapon, not just a stylus.

Today, with the S25 Ultra they remove the Bluetooth device because "as per Samsung" very few person are using it ! Seriously ! What an excuse ! We know that its to increase the profits ! 

Very disappointed with this and more with the excuse ! Even Apple with the new iphone 16 pro max made an effort to improve their phone reducing the frame, incresing the screen and adding new things like a shutter for the camera and keeping the same price as next year !

Samsung remove one function that people using it loved !

I´m not motivated to buy the S25 Ultra... as of now... waiting something more from Samsung 
Galaxy S
Samsung can not make a conclusion that 0.5% of people are not using it,they should stop the BS...and if they're going to chop out the corners,then they should bring back the Note series with sharp corner,curved display and a proper stylus
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
They may did an "internal survey" and choose people who are not using the Spen...

We know that the reason is money, nothing more, nothing less

I agree with Note series with sharp corners and full fonctions of S pen (but prefer flat display for working and to have stronger screen with protector)
Galaxy S
Then the S23U is for me... but when I finally buy an Ultra phone,the S24ultra would be a great choice
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
The Bluetooth enabled S Pen will be sold separately....
Galaxy S
Just read the news,I hope we will be able to swap the S-pen instead of being sold the the big pens
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Same size will fit right inside the device as before
Galaxy S
I really hope so because I was thinking about the S24U
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Yes indeed... you'll be surprised with the 25 Ultra. No one has quite used it yet so it's all just speculation. Have your own experience with it first.
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
Holding off on this year's release....found the Bluetooth functionality so useful as a clicker for presenting as well as for taking pictures on a Tripod....sad that they removed the Bluetooth functionality of it