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Hi. So, I was mugged off my S21 Ultra. I have blacklisted it and even forgot about it. Now my smart watch has randomly vibrated twice in the last month, at around 6-ish for lost bluetooth connection from said phone. Is it possible that these thieves ...
I signed up for the pre-order promo and it said I would receive a R1000 e-voucher and the free gifts. I have claimed the gifts (buds and smart-tag). Not received as yet but I'd like to know how do I get the voucher?
I recently bought a 70TU7000 Crystal UHD, ModelUA70TU7000KXX and I noticed that there is some light that is visible between the screen and the frame. There are two of these "openings". I would like to know if they are made like that or if its a defec...
Camera tip: use your camera app to take the best pics. Don't use the in-app camera, the pictures have noise and the focus is just nonsense. #GalaxyGallery #GalaxyS20 #GalaxyS20+ #GalaxyS20plus
I was trying to fix my car at night. I used my phone for the torch. As I was trying to remove the burnt fuse, the phone slipped from my buttery fingers. I tried catching it with my feet, or make the fall softer for the phone. Unfortunately the screen...