With Android 11, Google intriduced a entry in developer options to install GSI from Google's public GSI repository. Also, devices launched with A10 need to include Google's public AVB keys into ramdisk to allow DSU without bootloader unlock but there...
Answering a phone call sometimes shows in-call screen but is neither connected nor declined but is stuck at in-call screen with no option to end the call. To the other end, it is as though the call isn't answered yet and is ringing. Happens like once...
OP will get a share of $1000 apparently as per benefits section. I mean what do you guys get by making idiotic posts? If it was reddit atleast, I'd understand karma farming. What you get here posting these BS?
Thanks for the free remote consultation Dr. Now that I have heard from a stupid, I'd get it consulated with a good one.Oh, for throwing the phone, go on. Thousands would be interested in taking it knowing what's it capable of. Better in hands who kno...
Blurry pics? In what case? It shoots one of the industry best photos comparable to iphones and pixels.Washed display is a known issue now on home screen and app drawer. Open any media like YouTube, Netflix and it's the brightest, vivid display you ca...