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When you receive a coupon for any promotion. Do you need to click 'Mark as used' before the expiration date I order to be entered into the draw, or do you need to leave as is until it expires and it automatically gets used by the expiration date
It would be really cool feature in the Samsung Health app to be able to add workouts to a Workout Checklist and be able to set it to a schedule (daily/weekly). You add workouts to the checklist and it marks them as complete once you meet the workout ...
Has anyone traded in their Galaxy watch device for a newer model. I'm getting the Watch 5, and was looking to see how much I would get if I traded in my Active2 watch. Samsung is only offering me (literally) R136.00. Yet they selling these devices fo...
Has/Is anyone else also encountering issues with their EarBuds randomly Lowering the volume. This started occuring after the recent update received during this week. I know this usually occurs when the EarBuds pick up if you're speaking, but this occ...