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By now I'm pretty sure you're all aware of the famous "sensor issue" both the s8 and Note8 have ever since the Oreo update.Some of the people on this forum got their motherboards replaced but others have managed to get this fixed through flashing alo...
A new feature has been added in the latest security update (August). Switch off this effect for a faster unlock animation.
Ever since the April security patch I've noticed that every sensor on my Note8 is frozen/disabled.I'd expected the May security patch to fix the issue but it hasn't.Now from what I've seen online this issue seems to be a lot more widespread than i or...
I just realized that the latest security patch (April 1st 2018) disabled every sensor on my Note8.Did pretty much everything possible, Checked safe mode, wiped cache partition and now I've done a factory reset yet none of the sensors still work. I've...