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Dear Samsung Team,As a Galaxy S23 user, I am deeply disappointed with the lack of transparency regarding the One UI 7 update schedule. While I appreciate the launch of new devices like the Galaxy S25 with One UI 7, it is equally important to prioriti...
S23 USER HEREA perception has been made and accepted that the s23 series along with eligible S series flagships will receive an update by march instead of acceptance of this irritating delay ,It should have been opposed @samsungindia forgot to priori...
As S24 series have received one ui 7 beta in almost all the markets now its time for S23 Dear Samsung Team,I am a loyal Galaxy user and proud owner of the Galaxy S23 5G, my first flagship device. Experiencing the best from Samsung has always been a d...
ToSamsung India,S23 user hereWant to experience the smooth ,intuitive fast ,fluid and best one ui 7 beta on my S23 5G asap pleaseeeeee  Please don't disappoint @samsung@samsungindia@samsungcare