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I have note 10 plus[N975F/DS] I have tried many fimwares installation done but nowadays every time my boot animations are converted into starwars animation Theme also by DefaultI want original fimware not starwarsI try to download fimware from sammob...
I have resently sale my galaxy A52 After two to three daysBuyer is saying that sim is not workingBut everything was fine with meNow who is going to pay the bloddy charges..He has checked every thing on the spot and then paid.What u guyz think..?
I have recently found that all the facebook accounts logins and passwords stored in my samsung pass dissappeared except one..Why samsung  
Battery percentage bug
I was searching for adaptive refresh rate (60/90Hz)I have found one application prepared by samsung develepors which solved my problemIt swithes to 90Hz when i scroll or touch screen After adjusted time it again become 60HzAwesome.There are some othe...