Original topic:

Trouble with A22 5G camera

(Topic created on: 02-25-2023 12:06 PM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy A


I have a Samsung A22 5G phone (recently got as a gift).

The problem is with the camera.

When I use the camera with the flasher set to auto or on mode without any background light (pitch black), the photo is totally black. I can see the flasher switching on during the focusing, but before the click sound goes, it switches off.

I tried with another app ("open camera" from the playstore). It also behaves the same way. It has a mode to keep the flasher always on and in this mode, I can take a photo properly.

Am I missing something or is my phone buggy?

Thank you.

Galaxy A
Hi 👋
First i got like same issue in my old galaxy core prime. it is not software issue 😑 exactly it is hardware issue if warranty remains please claim the warranty or if it is not please visit nearest Samsung service center to fix that issue

So if my comment is useful to you, use the 3 dots in my comment for accept my comment as a solution. 😉 👍
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy A
This come by software matter
Please try factory reset it might fix the matter

I have a nite 20 ultra A 72 A 52
And M02 on M series I got this when factory reset it will work for sure try that
Galaxy A
I forgot a thing
Try this way
Turn on torch and swipe down notifications bar then long press on torch icon then you will see brightness increasing levels of torch so set it lowest and try take a pic with flash light
Active Level 1
Galaxy A

I don't know how, but this worked. Can you tell me why this worked?

Thank you.

P.S. did not work. Problem is intermittent. ,🥹🥹

Galaxy A
It cause the flash light generates kinda heat when it turn on. So that heat can effects to the camera module when you capture the photo and also high brightness can be damage camera's pixels 😉 that same thing happened to me like 5 years ago and It is not software issue
Active Level 1
Galaxy A

Sorry but I spoke too soon I guess. Problem is back.

It is intermittent. I restarted the phone and it is OK for now. I guess my last resort is to factory reset.

Thanks for the help though.

Galaxy A
Hi there, i saw some good suggestions to fix your issue. Try this before trying those.

Simply clear the cache and data of your camera app. If your flashlight works, chances are this is actually not a hardware issue.

If you don't lnow how to clear cache and data on ur camera app, please drop a comment here and i will guide you.

If my comment helped you in any way, please consider hitting the 3 dot menu and accepting my answer as a solution.

Thanks 😊😊
Active Level 1
Galaxy A

Thanks. I already tried that to no avail.

Galaxy A
Sorry to hear that. Let me look for other potential solutions and comment here