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One UI was a great step in the right direction for easy one handed use, but there is still one thing I really struggle doing with one hand especially if it's left hand, which is scrolling alphabetically in the Contacts app. Can you please consider mo...
Thank you for adding NiceShot features directly in the software but one great featuee from NiceShot is missing which was to hide System UI in screenshots, like status bar and navigation bar.
With the new feature to use Spacebar for cursor control, it presents a weird flicker with white Spacebar when pressing it. Please extend the time for which Spacebar is pressed before the keyboard enters in Cursor Control mode. 
Wallpaper dimming is a good feature to have with Dark Mode, but please also add an option to turn it off, if users want to set the wallpaper in its original form.
Please let users select and accent colour of their own choice instead of the normal Blue colour of the UI.