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(Topic created on: 11-10-2022 11:49 AM)
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
This should be a paid work😂😂 .ok ,as a fully samsung user,i will suggest something in  notification innovation( as this the only topic u mentioned). But samsung has many areas where you can tweak to beat every brand. Now it's time to beat dynamic island.

1.A problem is very common where we want to tap on upper part of the screen and a pop up suddenly appears. Accidentally we tap on notification pop up and the app switch. So introduce a option which is between the ' silent notification' and 'pop up notification'. This can be like 'only edge lighting' or 'status bar lighting'. 

2.I have no idea why there is no data speed checker or data usage tracker in status bar even in 2022 where our main priority is browsing. 

3. In notification panel add an option of 'show more or less' like clipboard where we can prioritize the app and the number of notification. 

4.Add an option to hide content of a app even after unlocking the phone if the specific app is locked yet. And we can select few contacts or keywords to be locked in notification.

5. Is this possible to reply or open link if there is more than 1 link in the message? Not only link, audio file, pdf and doc files should be downloaded and opened as per requirement.
And please fix it, after android 12 update there is always a default browser or youtbe app. This is very annoying. We use multiple browser to work different things.

6. Add force stop option in app notification, sometimes for bugs we can't remove them. Like uploading file in drive stops and we can't remove the notification. 

Enough for today.lots of things to say more. Try to understand your regular samsung users. If have any doubt in my explanation, you can contact me, happy to help samsung. 

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Active Level 1
Tech Talk
Yes bro.. ur every points are superb. Point 1 is harsh truth for me too.. very annoying.

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Active Level 1
Tech Talk
Yes bro.. ur every points are superb. Point 1 is harsh truth for me too.. very annoying.
Active Level 1
Tech Talk
Hello Samsung!

We need Dynamic Island implemented with any Good Lock App Module or somehow..!

Two set of people asking two set of Feature.. Edge Lighting which is already implemented and Dynamic Island which is not yet implemented..

Please provide both of these.. let people select which one they want..

If samsung Providing this Dynamic Island.. It will be perfect in terms of integration than using third party..

If you have no time of developing you can acquire third party app partially and adding some your things also into an module..

If you hesitating to do this because of apple or other brand feature like that.. you definitely need to respect your customers request!!
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
I have asked for status bar lighting
Active Level 4
Tech Talk
This is not complain , i have written this as '#innovation lab' post. Should i mention or tag different things in the post fo a innovation lab post?