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Bixby Routines

(Topic created on: 03-29-2022 04:41 AM)
Expert Level 1
Tech Expert
Do you guys use Bixby Routines?
In my opinion Bixby Routines are the most underrated feature ever in android. You really have to go to the depth of that to know how advanced it is.
● Settings》Advanced Features》Bixby Routines(Turn on to use)
(Bixby Routines were not available in One UI Core devices last time I checked. Not sure after the One UI 4 update)

Here are the routines I use. They are very simple routines.
1. Charging: I use it to change my fast charging protocol. When I charge my device over night it's going to switch into cable charging to extend battery health(just my opinion by the way).

2. Samsung Music 1,2,MX Player & YouTube: I use this to change my sound quality.(Equaliser & Dolby Atmos effect). In Samsung Music 1 if I plugged a headphone and play music through the app the equaliser is going to change in to my custom setup and dolby atmos into music. Samsung Music 2 is same but with a Bluetooth device. MX player will change the dolby atmos into movie effect while YouTube will change into auto mode. Both these routines going to change the equaliser into flat.

3. Reading: I use this to read books in pdf format. Whenever I open a pdf in Google drive, the screen rotation will enable(I prefer it disabled while normal usage) and screen timeout is going to change in to 10 minutes.

4. Good Lock: You know that good lock is not supported in Sri Lanka. But there is a way to install it. But even after you installed it in your device if you open the app while you are connected to your cellular network then it's going to disable the app again. So in this routine whenever I open the Good Lock app it's going to turn on the flight mode rightaway.(Usually works😅).

5. Gallery: Whenever I open the Gallery app this will enable the screen rotation and disable the Eye Comfort Shield 

6. Silencio: That's for turn the media volume to 0 after 9pm whenever you unplug a headphone.😅. You can manually turn on the volume of course.

7. Eye Comfort Shield: That is to turn on the Eye Comfort Shield whenever I open any of my app excluding apps that need the colour accuracy. 

When you are going to add a routine, in the top you'll see "IF". That's the action to trigger the Bixby Routine. And the bottom "Then" is the reaction of the Bixby Routine to above action. 
Remember, the conditions you are added to the "IF" section are going to act through anAND gate. Which means you have to trigger all those actions to trigger the routine. But in the same condition they act through an OR gate.
Ex: If you add two condtions in "IF" section,
1. Open the Samsung Music, Yotube and MX player
2. Connected a headphone
You will have to open the app and connect a headphone too to trigger the routine. But it won't trigger if you open the app without connecting a headphone.

You can make these routines to revert those changes after the routine ended or to keep it the way it change into. 

These routines of mine are the simplest routines in my opinion. There are many more options to play with. Take a look and make your life easy with these routines.

These settings are from a Galaxy A72. So pretty sure a flagship device will be much more advance than this. Hoping to test that in the near future😉 and I'll bring more about that too.

Share yours too.

Thank you.
Tech Expert
Thanks for sharing with us bro 😃👍
Tech Expert
Anytime bro..💫 Thanks😁
Tech Expert
Welcome bro 🤜
Tech Expert
Valuable informations bro... thanks for sharing 😃
Tech Expert
Sure bro. 😊 Thanks...💫
Tech Expert
You're welcome 😊
Tech Expert
Thanks for sharing bro 🙏🏻
Tech Expert
You are welcome bro. Thanks💫
Expert Level 5
Tech Expert
Thanks for sharing Bro. 😊🙏