Original topic:

How to get one ui 7 icons for free?

(Topic created on: 3 weeks ago)
Active Level 5
معرض جالاكسى

These are the one ui 7 dark icon packs i have there, if you are wondering how i got this even though it needs purchase, here is how to get it for free. 
Yes, you heard that right. 

1. Search up for "one pro icon pack apk" 
"one pro dark icon pack apk" if you use dark mode. 

Or just use my link below👇👇

Light mode

Dark mode

2. Wait for it/them to download, and then install them

3. That's it, congratulations, you got yourself an icon pack, but hold on. 

4. Download theme park using my link below👇👇

5. Now theme park can add icon packs even on your one ui home. 

If you think its helpful or if you like it, like. 
But if you have any questions or if you wanna say something, comment. 

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