Original topic:

These one ui 7 updated apps

(Topic created on: 12-04-2024 07:40 PM)
Active Level 5
Today I'm going to show you some updated apps.

1. Samsung clock (don't want to recommend but i will) 

This newer version only has one new feature and the rest are cons but here is the link

Samsung clock (non stable) 

But if you want a more stable version, press this link

2. Samsung calendar

It now has fresh backgrounds, rounder ui and a new redesign for one of the widgets
Here is the link

3. Samsung reminder

4. Voice recorder
Now its got a better ui design

5. Galaxy store

6. Galaxy themes

These are the brand new one ui 7 apps that we can test out. 

If you think its helpful or if you like it, like. 
But if you have any questions or if you wanna say something, comment.