Original topic:

Automatic date and time

(Topic created on: 10-26-2023 10:23 PM)
Beginner Level 4
جالاكسى S
Hi there I've had this phone for years and it's great but I don't know why when I set my time to automatic it has to be correct but it's not my time zone in Egypt Cairo is suppose to be 10:20pm but in my phone it's9:21 I know i can change it however I can but in automatic it should set it self so pls tell me what to do and how can I fix it thanks.
Beginner Level 4
جالاكسى S
I forgot my phone is Samsung s9
Beginner Level 5
جالاكسى S
Samsung Admin
Community Manager
جالاكسى S

Hello. I’m Amira, Samsung Moderator
Thank you for asking the question
We wish you a happy day
Based on your inquiry regarding the update

Please clarify your inquiry further to enable full support and assistance

If you have any other question, can you explain it to us
We are  at your service always
Thanks for your time

Active Level 7
جالاكسى S
We have all the same problem because Samsung company didn't update the database related to summertime or wintertime so you must set your time manually
Active Level 8
جالاكسى S
Data base is from Google not Samsung
Samsung Admin
Community Manager
جالاكسى S

Hello. I’m Amira, Samsung Moderator
Thank you for asking the question
We wish you a happy day
Based on your inquiry regarding the update

To adjust the winter time, we will follow the following steps:
You must ensure that the device is running the latest available software version.
First: Make sure that the Google Play system is updated through the following steps:
1. Select Settings
2. Select About phone
3. Select Program Information
4. Choose Google play system update
5. Download the update

If you have any other question, can you explain it to us
We are  at your service always
Thanks for your time

Active Level 8
جالاكسى S
Just update Google services from setting
Samsung Admin
Community Manager
جالاكسى S

Hello. I’m Amira, Samsung Moderator
Thank you for asking the question
We wish you a happy day
Based on your inquiry regarding the update

To adjust the winter time, we will follow the following steps:
You must ensure that the device is running the latest available software version.
First: Make sure that the Google Play system is updated through the following steps:
1. Select Settings
2. Select About phone
3. Select Program Information
4. Choose Google play system update
5. Download the update

If you have any other question, can you explain it to us
We are  at your service always
Thanks for your time