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One UI 6.1 for Samsung Galaxy A33 in South Africa has finally arrived. 
For people using Samsung A devices, do you guys turn on high motion smoothness (90 or 120 hz) because I'm using the A33 and the battery drain is a lot more noticeable when it's on 90hz. I keep switching back and forth between 60 and 90hz
Samsung A33 one ui 6 is finally hereafter how many months yoh!!
Does anyone have an answer for why Samsung, or android phones in general don't get software updates all at the same time the way iPhones do. This thing of seeing other people on the new update and we're still on the old one is not make sure haii
Do you guys think One ui 6 is going to bring always on display to the Samsung Galaxy A33? Because it technically can support it, it has the AMOLED Display路