Original topic:

How to Restore Faces with Stable Diffusion

(Topic created on: 09-24-2023 07:24 PM)
Active Level 3

"How does restore faces work in Stable Diffusion?" 

Facial image restoration is a crucial task in the field of computer vision and image processing. Whether it's enhancing old photographs, improving low-resolution images, or removing artifacts from facial images, the ability to restore faces is invaluable. In recent years, a powerful technique called Stable Diffusion has emerged as a promising solution for this task. Stable diffusion enables the restoration of faces that have been distorted or damaged by factors such as noise, blur, or aging effects. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to restore faces using Stable Diffusion.


Steps To Restore Face Via AUTOMATIC1111 Stable Diffusion Webui

Step 1: After generating the new images, you should proceed to the tool's menu and then select the "Restore Faces" icon.



Step 2: To correct the eyes of an image, simply proceed to the "Extras tab" and then upload the photo in that section.



Step 3: Please ensure that you specify the impact (ranging from 0 to 1) of Code Former or GFPGAN. Different configurations may be necessary depending on the generated image.