Original topic:

Samsung S24 Ultra Screen Display Issue in Sunlight

(Topic created on: 4 weeks ago)
Active Level 5
Galaxy S
Samsung S24 Ultra Screen Display Issue in Sunlight

Hi All,

Try using Samsung S24 Ultra in Sunlight just for 5 Minutes, The Mobile is Over Heating & Screen light is Dimming and becoming not visible clearly in Sunlight ....

This is very Serious Issue in Samsung S24 Ultra Flagship Mobile...

Samsung need to Fix it as early as possible....

Every Samsung S24 Ultra user try this and Raise this Issue & Complain over this
Expert Level 5
Galaxy S

Dear Samsung Member,

Greetings from Samsung Customer Support!

As per your query, we want to inform you that this is not a bug or issue, It happens due to the Adaptive brightness feature enabled on your Samsung device, this feature allows the touchscreen to automatically adjust its brightness based on the surrounding environment, you can follow the below steps for resolve your device issue:

① Change the display mode to ‘Light’ mode. (Settings > Display > then select the ‘Light’).
② Alternatively, Adjust the display brightness a little bit brighter. (Settings > Display > adjust the Brightness to a brighter level).

However, Kindly perform the following steps to resolve your heating issues. However, we are taking your valuable feedback regarding this.

Galaxy device heating issue: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/why-the-device-heats-up-during-use/

Update the software if available: https://www.samsung.com/in/support/mobile-devices/samsung-galaxy-smartphone-how-to-update-software/

You can reset your device by following the steps from the below link.

In case the issue still occurs, kindly report the problems with a log file. To share a log file, click on the Samsung Members Application (Open Samsung Members Application > Support> Tap on error report > Type your query > Send).

Warm Regards,
Samsung Customer Support

Active Level 5
Galaxy S
All the above we tried
But No Use👎

Just now I tried in outdoor Sunlight within 2 minutes Screen is Overheated and become dull Screen....

It's a big Issue, Kindly fix it