Original topic:

S23 Ultra battery serious issue

(Topic created on: 12-26-2023 08:36 AM)
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
Got my S23 ultra less than a month ago
Once I started using it, it was fine cannot say I noticed the battery drains fast or anything, few days later it started drains crazy specifically when idle. I go to sleep leaving no background apps on and almost nothing on even wifi, and I wake up to minus 10 to 15% 
I checked the website for battery care and I disabled each and every feature that I feel like I'm using iphone again!!
I don't know was it the UI 6.0 or is it how the device is like!!! 
It hardly lives for 12 hours with light use I am limiting my usage cause it scares me that it's like that 
Active Level 7
Galaxy S
Sorry I'd say give it time to learn your usage then it will optimize.
S23 has the best battery so far.
Beginner Level 2
Galaxy S

I've been a big-time Apple fan and recently got the S23 Ultra. I never regretted the decision to switch.

I think you will need to give it a few days to settle down until it is fully optimized. Once you are done with this, it should be fine, though.

Also, you need to be aware that the recent UI update will drain your battery faster; that might be one reason, but after a few days, it will settle down.

Another thing is I'm not sure what your default home screen is. If you're using the one that has a video on it, it will also use more battery.

Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
You have some settings that need to be turned off. You can go to YouTube and learn how to reactivate the battery. Or if it is under warranty, visit the Samsung center
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
What's battery reactivation?
Expert Level 3
Galaxy S
Refresh battery as new
Galaxy S
The issue you're experiencing with your Samsung S23 Ultra's battery draining quickly, especially when idle, is a common concern among users. To address this, here are several strategies you can try:

1. Enable Adaptive Battery and Optimizing Device Care: The S23 Ultra's adaptive battery feature learns your usage patterns over time to optimize power consumption. Initially, it may cause faster battery drain, but it should improve as the device adapts to your usage habits. To optimize device care.

2. Enabling the auto optimization feature can help improve battery life over time.

3. Put Unused Apps to Deep Sleep go to "Settings -> Battery -> Background usage limits" and enabling the feature.

4. Use dark mode, and enabling adaptive brightness can conserve battery. Additionally, use power saving modes, which can be accessed from the battery settings, to limit performance and connectivity when you don't need them.

5. Update Software and Apps, Ensure that your device and apps are up-to-date, as updates often contain bug fixes that can improve battery life.
Active Level 1
Galaxy S
I have already gone through all of these steps Wafaa
Thank you nevertheless
Active Level 4
Galaxy S
I'm experiencing the same issue. It just started with the security update, which was on 1st December. I wish to be resolved with the next update
Active Level 1
Galaxy S